Sunday, 13 June 2010

Planning and Lighting a Set

Why plan lighting?
To present good pictures in filming the show, planning the lighting is also a main priority. In a TV Show, lighting is needed for the Talent, the set and a WS of the Studio. The lighting must be in the correct position to where the Talent is sitting and their Eye Line.

3 point lighting is a professional method of planning lighting. The 3 point lighting is made up a:
- Key Light - This lighting is the overall main light or 'spot light', producing a 'Hard' light, giving a hard shadow behind the Talent. The Key light also provides contrast and shape to the Talent's face.

- 2nd Light or Fill Light - This is used to fill in shadows, which presents a softer shadow.

- Backlight - This is positioned to the back of the set, which lights the back of the Talent. Using a Backlight prevents the Talent in blending into the background, and events in the Talent standing out more. These lights have more depth and are also a 'Hard' light.

3 Point Lighting on the Grid
In the Studio, all of the lighting is attached to a railing, which sits above the set. This is called the Grid. The diagram above is a diagram of the 3 point lighting positions on the Grid.

Adjusting the lighting is important as if the light is too glaring, it would not only discomfort and be too bright for the Talent, but the shots would also lose detail on the face and if the lighting is too low, this still wouldn't show any detail in the face, which shows very untidy and dull shots. When fading the exposure of the lights up or down, this must be done slowly and not quickly because this could damage the lights, as well as effecting our eyes.

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